Skin Cancer & Reconstruction
Skin Cancer Treatment in Long Island
Skin cancers can form on eyelids, at the eyelid margins, at the inner corner of the eyes, and on the upper cheeks. If a growth on the eyelid does not disappear after several weeks, a biopsy should be performed. The growth is usually removed surgically. Eyelid tumors sometimes mimic other eye disorders such as blepharitis and chalazion so these growths should be watched and treated quickly.
If a growth proves to be cancerous, Dr. Schlessinger is able to treat them surgically on an outpatient basis, usually right in our Woodbury office outside of New York and Long Island. Dr. Schlessinger removes the cancerous lesion and performs aesthetic repair of the site on the same day. He is dedicated to restoring and preserving the function and beauty of your eyes.

For additional information about our services, call us at 516-496-2122 or click here to request a consultation.