Who Is a Good Candidate for Facetite?

Do you wish the skin around your face and neck was more toned and youthful? That wish can be a reality with FaceTite®.
Sagging skin is an inevitability of the natural aging process and can be attributed to a range of factors, including loss of collagen and elastin, the distribution of fat, and the sheer force of gravity.
FaceTite® can deliver outstanding results, leaving you looking and feeling rejuvenated after just a single, one-hour treatment.
You Want to Tighten Your Skin
If you are experiencing mild to moderate sagging on or around your face, you may be a good candidate for FaceTite®. Sagging skin can be stubborn, with topical treatments only offering limited results, but FaceTite® is a highly effective solution.
At the same time as it prompts tissue contraction, FaceTite® also stimulates collagen production. Collagen is an essential structural protein of the skin, and increased production can counteract the effects of aging.
True to its name, FaceTite® tightens the skin on your face, with the ability to even lift the brows and address folds and fine lines. It can also be applied to other areas of the body, including the neck and jowls.
At the same time as it prompts tissue contraction, FaceTite® also stimulates collagen production. Collagen is an essential structural protein of the skin, and increased production can counteract the effects of aging.

True to its name, FaceTite® tightens the skin on your face, with the ability to even lift the brows and address folds and fine lines. It can also be applied to other areas of the body, including the neck and jowls.
If sagging skin is severe, you may be better suited for a facelift, which can more effectively help you reach your cosmetic goals. If tightening your skin and reducing wrinkles is your goal, it is recommended to combine FaceTite with Morpheus treatment for the best results.
You Want to Melt Away Fat
The benefits of FaceTite® extend far beyond skin tightening. This small but powerful device can actually reduce fat.
Particularly, if you have noticed a pocket of fat accumulation under your chin, also known as a double chin, you can achieve a more defined profile with FaceTite®.

This treatment melts away fat using heat and simultaneous thermal skin retraction technology, which breaks down fat and gives you a more contoured appearance.
Because of its fat-melting capabilities, FaceTite® is not reserved for only those who wish to reverse the effects of aging. It can yield tremendous results for people as young as their twenties.
For even more significant results, FaceTite® can be combined with another procedure like liposuction.
You Don’t Want to Undergo Surgery
Surgery is not the only method to address sagging skin. FaceTite® is a simple, non-invasive treatment performed right in our office.
If you’re looking to avoid the time and expense of a facelift, this is an excellent option. The FaceTite® procedure typically takes about an hour, and you can go home after.
Unlike traditional facial surgery, only very small incisions are necessary for the FaceTite® device to access the targeted areas. It does not involve an extensive recovery period either: you can expect to resume normal activities within a few days.
Generally, the procedure is not painful, as you will be given local anesthesia, and discomfort is usually mild. Most people can achieve their desired results with just a single treatment, meaning you will not have to keep returning for additional appointments.

Are you excited by the possibilities of FaceTite®? Schedule your consultation at Schlessinger Eye & Face in Woodbury on Long Island, NY, today, by calling 516-496-2122.
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