Thyroid Eye Disease
What is Thyroid Eye disease (TED)? Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is an extremely common inflammatory disorder of the eyes. Although it is usually seen in patients that have auto-immune Thyroid diseases such as Graves Disease and Hahimotos Disease, it can also be seen in people that have normal thyroid function. What are the Signs and… Read More
Neuro Toxins + Botox – Lets Break ’em Down
How do Botox Neuro Toxin injections work? After the age of 30, most men and women slowly begin to lose their natural stores of collagen and elastin. These elements in the skin are what provide patients with their tight, supple, and youthful appearance. With the loss of collagen and elastin as a normal part of… Read More
Blepharoplasty: Let’s Break it Down
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that is intended to rejuvenate the eyelids. It can be performed on upper or lower eyelids or typically on all four eyelids. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure where excess skin is removed to restore a refreshed look. In some cases excess fat is also removed to improve a… Read More