3 Benefits of Mineral Makeup

Even supermodels like Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner don’t look flawless without the help of some makeup. However, with so many different brands of makeup out there, it can be beyond overwhelming to land on a kind that is right for you and your skin type. With two main options: traditional and mineral makeup, you may not even know where to start. Read on to learn more about the benefits of mineral makeup.
Fewer Irritants
If you have particularly sensitive skin, then you may want to try using some mineral makeup. Because mineral makeup has fewer ingredients— and all-natural ones at that— it is more sensitive on your skin and is less likely to cause rashes or breakouts.
Clearer Complexion
If you suffer from acne, then traditional makeup may not be doing you any favors— especially your foundation and concealer. Containing oils, traditional foundations and concealers can clog your pores and make your acne worse. Luckily, mineral makeup is a non-comedogenic product which means that it doesn’t clog pores.
All-Natural Ingredients
If you are concerned with what you put into your body— i.e., avoiding processed foods and refined sugars— then you should also be concerned with what you put on it. Containing ingredients like parabens, fragrances, and chemical dyes, traditional makeup isn’t anywhere near “all natural.” If you are looking for makeup that is derived from all-natural ingredients, consider mineral makeup. Made from minerals like zinc oxide, iron, and talc, mineral makeup is only derived from natural elements.
Knowing what you are putting on your skin is always a benefit. Made from natural ingredients, mineral makeup is ideal for those with sensitive or acne prone skin. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of mineral makeup, contact Dr. David A. Schlessinger today!