Lose Your Double Chin with Kybella

If your double chin is a source of insecurity, you’re not alone. Double chins, also known as submental fullness, can negatively affect the way you feel about how you look. But the truth is, anyone can have a double chin. Many times, it’s caused by genetics and no amount of weight loss can fix it. That’s where Kybella comes in. Kybella is an FDA-approved drug that helps to improve the appearance of a double chin. Learn more about this exciting treatment and how it can help you feel more confident.
What is Kybella?
Kybella was approved by the FDA in 2015 and is identical to something your body makes called deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid works by melting fat. This in turn removes stubborn sub-mental fat (the fat below your chin). It can dramatically improve the appearance of your jawline by removing the fat and tightening the skin in the area. There are no incisions required because it is administered through a series of non-surgical injections.
Is Kybella right for me?
An estimated 67% of Americans have said they’re bothered by their double chin. If you fall into that category and you’re 18 years old or older, you are likely a good candidate.
How many treatments will I need?
This tends to vary from patient to patient. Many patients decide they only need two or three Kybella treatments to get the desired look they want. You and your doctor will discuss what bothers you about your neck and chin area to determine how many treatments you need. In clinical studies, 59% of patients received six treatments to achieve the results they were looking for. Sessions last less than 30 minutes and are spaced four weeks apart to allow the deoxycholic acid to work.
When will I see results?
Because the number of treatments varies from patient to patient, it’s hard to say. However, patients usually report seeing visible changes after 12 weeks or at least 2 sessions.
If you do need more than two sessions though, this may not be your experience. Your maximum results can be seen after six months and should be long-lasting if not permanent.
Those are some of the basics of Kybella treatments! If you have questions about the procedure or pricing options or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Schlessinger call us today at 516-496-2122.