How is Dry Eye Treated?

Dry eye is a chronic and progressive condition that occurs when the tears don’t have sufficient oil, water, or both. For those struggling with blurred vision, light sensitivity, a scratchy feeling, and other bothersome symptoms of dry eye, various treatments can provide lasting relief.
Keep reading to learn more about how dry eye is treated!
Conservative Treatments
Whenever possible, conservative treatments and therapies are used to treat dry eye first. Some of these treatment options include the use of artificial tears, ophthalmic ointments, warm compress, eyelid hygiene products, oral and topical medications, and the placement of punctal plugs.
We also speak with patients about lifestyle modifications like avoiding smoke, wind, and air conditioning, using a humidifier to add moisture to the air, limiting screen time, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep.
In addition, we suggest patients eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, mackerel, walnuts, vegetable oils, and flaxseed oil.
When conservative treatments and therapies are not enough, we have several advanced treatment options to offer our patients.
What is BlephEx?
BlephEx is a revolutionary device that targets the root cause of dry eye by effectively eliminating the buildup of biofilm from the lash lines and eyelids. Biofilm is a sticky plaque of oils, bacteria, and debris that can clog Meibomian glands and cause dry eye. Removing accumulated biofilm eradicates the source of dry eye, providing long-term relief.
BlephEx lid debridement treatment includes using a patented, hand-held device that carefully and precisely rotates a medical-grade micro sponge along the edges of the eyelids and eyelashes mechanically. The treatment is well-tolerated and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Most patients report relief even before leaving the eye doctor’s office.
BlephEx treatments are typically repeated at frequent intervals depending on the severity of dry eye. For most patients treatment is repeated every 4-6 months, however, this is determined on a case-by-case basis.
What is iLux?
The iLux system is a groundbreaking approach to treating meibomian gland dysfunction, often called MGD, which is a leading cause of dry eye. Meibomian gland dysfunction occurs when meibomian glands get blocked and meibum, an oily secretion, can’t be released into the tear film.
As a result, tears evaporate faster, causing dry eyes. iLux involves the application of light-based heat and pressure on the eyelids under direct visualization. The patient’s eyelids are held between the soft, silicone pads of the iLux device. Then, the iLux system delivers controlled, therapeutic heat to the inner eyelids, where the Meibomian glands reside.
The heat liquefies hardened oil, plugging the Meibomian glands. Following the heat application, iLux delivers gentle pressure that helps express the melted oil.
This dual action restores Meibomian gland function and enhances the quality of the tear film, providing sustained symptom relief. The treatment takes less than fifteen minutes to complete.
What is IPL?
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is an innovative treatment that addresses the underlying cause of dry eye and not just the symptoms. Dry eye can occur if the Meibomian glands become inflamed or blocked.
IPL delivers pulses of light through a handpiece that dissolve hardened oils clogging the Meibomian glands. Softening the oils allows them to flow freely and lubricate the eyes, ensuring a healthy tear film that is essential for preventing dry eye.
Additionally, the heat generated by IPL diminishes inflammation, a common contributor to dry eye. It does this by closing the abnormal blood vessels that cause inflammation.
The benefits of IPL therapy are cumulative. This means that the quality of a patient’s tears improves with every session. After three to four treatment sessions, IPL restores the natural balance of the tear film, resulting in the long-term improvement of dry eye symptoms.
Are you searching for a long-lasting solution for your dry eye? Schedule a consultation today at Schlessinger Eye & Face in Woodbury, NY, today.